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Pledge to Vote and Get Involved!

The AACS 2024 Civic Fellowship program would like to encourage more AAPI voters to vote in 2024! 

We invite eligible voters to pledge with us that they will vote during the 2024 elections. 

In recent election cycles, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) voters have wielded considerable influence in national, state, and local elections. According to a May 2021 analysis by TargetSmart, AAPI voters made an unprecedented impact in the 2020 election, with the number of ballots cast increasing by more than 47% compared to the previous presidential election. The remarkable turnout of this expanding demographic continued to be noteworthy in 2022. However, major political parties are not engaging with Asian American communities enough. 42% of Asian American voters say they have not been contacted by either political party. 

The AACS 2024 Civic Fellows hope to support you with this voter pledge program.  After you make this pledge with one of the follows, you may expect two emails from him/her prior to Election Day, with a reminder to check registration, and a reminder to make a plan to vote.


Take the Pledge:

Thanks for taking the pledge!!

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